Crown International High School has a uniform policy which has been developed in consultation with the P & A Association. It is our school community's belief that a school uniform is an important part of a student's life at the school.

Some of the reasons for this belief are because a school uniform:
  • avoids competition between students to be dressed in expensive, brand name clothes;
  • ensures that student is dressed in clothes that are appropriate for learning activities;
  • creates a good impression of students and the school to the wider community;
  • easily identifies intruders to the school when all others are in uniform;
  • And, complies with Workplace Health and Safety requirements. In particular activities in Art, Industrial Technology,Agriculture, Hospitality and more. As such the school has chosen to apply that standard to all students in all classes

Parents and students need to ensure that:
  • Students must have enough items of uniform to be properly dressed every day;
  • Students are to wear the entire formal or sports uniform at any one time (but not a combination of both);
  • Jewellery is limited to a watch and two studs or sleepers in the ears. Studs smaller than 3 mm in diameter;
  • Other piercings are not allowed apart from a small, clear plastic retainer;
  • Visible make-up is not to be worn;
  • Boys must be cleanly shaven, or with facial hair neatly trimmed;
  • Students' hair is to be natural in colour and appearance, conservative in style and should be neatly groomed at all times;
  • Students nails are to be short, neatly trimmed and without coloured nail polish;
  • Every student has a school jumper or jacket by the beginning of Term 2;
  • Any clothing worn under the school uniform is not to be visible;
  • Uniform shoes are to be entirely black, impervious and polishable leather or vinyl shoes that do not rise more than 2 cm above the ankle and have a heel lower than 2.5 cm;
  • Head dress worn for religious or cultural reasons is to be black or white.

For boys:
Item of Clothing Description and comments)
Shirt Brown Checked shirt
Pant Plain brown pant

For boys:
Item of Clothing Description and comments)
Shirt Brown Checked shirt
Pinafore Plain brown Pinafore
Scarf Black or white

Note: On Friday’s, both boys and girls should wear a plain white Uniform.