CIHS is officially registered with the Government as a COVID Safe business.
This process entailed careful planning and taking ongoing action in the following areas:
Wellbeing of students, visitors and staff
Students, visitors and staff who are unwell are not to attend school in person.

Please test and self-isolate if necessary

If your child has been in any COVID-19 hotspots or in contact with anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, they must not return to School until after the 14 day isolation period.

We ask that all members of our school community watch out for COVID-19 symptoms (such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, and loss of taste or smell) and get tested immediately at any Health clinic or hospital should they experience symptoms.

CIHS continues to follow the latest advice from UNICEF

Staff receives regular information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning; and are aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.

Hygiene marshals voluntarily help keep staff, students and visitors safe on campus.

We display conditions of entry to our campus for staff, students and visitors. (Website, social media, entry points)

COVID-19 Safety Plan: Physical distancing

To avoid crowding and close proximity where practicable, we assign staff to specific work locations and minimize staff movement between these locations, where reasonably practical.

We have plans and systems in place to monitor and control the numbers of staff and students on campus at any given time to allow for physical distancing.

We use flexible working arrangements where possible, such as working from home, early and late shifts to reduce peak periods.

Reception and the IT help desk have been fitted with Perspex barriers and are implementing a range of controls to ensure staff, students and visitors at interaction points stay at a safe distance and are protected from cross-contamination.

We ensure staff maintain 1.5 meters physical distancing at all times from each other and from students (including at meal breaks), and ensure that students respect this distancing requirement. Staff uses telephone or videoconferencing for essential meetings where practical rather than in-person meetings.

We are reviewing regular deliveries and have requested contactless delivery and invoicing where practical.

We display signage near lifts directing staff and students to maintain physical distancing wherever practical with 2 people max using a lift at a time.

– Staff only handles their own computers, book and bags where possible

– Air-conditioning is set to external airflow rather than recirculation where possible. Windows and doors in classrooms and staffrooms are open for airflow where possible.

– Gatherings outside the School gates are discouraged.

Hygiene and cleaning

Students are regularly reminded to wash their hands frequently and carefully throughout the day and to avoid hugging their classmates.

We provide hand sanitizer at multiple locations throughout the School.

We provide detergent/disinfectant surface wipes to clean workstations and equipment such as monitor, phone, keyboard and mouse.

We ensure bathrooms are well stocked with anti-bacterial hand soap and paper towels, and have posters with instructions on how to wash hands effectively.

We clean frequently used areas at least daily with detergent or disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces.

We maintain disinfectant solutions at an appropriate strength and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Staff wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water.

Record keeping

We keep the names, mobile numbers or email addresses for all staff, students, visitors and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. These records are only to be used for tracing COVID-19 infections and are stored confidentially and securely

CIHS Campus Entry Guidelines during COVID-19
Introduction and purpose

Protecting the wellbeing of our students, staff and the wider CIHS community is our priority. The Purpose of this Policy is to help prevent infection from COVID-19 of staff, students and others from the presence on campus of individuals who have COVID-19.

Scope and application

This policy is effective from 29 October 2020. It applies to all staff members, tutors, students, contractors, parents, other visitors and members of the public until further notice.

Policy Statement

1. Only staff members, students, and approved and authorized contractors or visitors may enter the School premises until further notice.
2. Members of the public are not permitted to enter upon or pass through the School’s grounds without first gaining approval and passing through a sign-in process at reception, which involves a health screening.
3. Staff members, students, and approved and authorized contractors or visitors must not enter the School premises if they: a. Have had a test for COVID-19 and are awaiting results
b. Have tested positive to COVID-19 (until they can demonstrate that they have fully recovered and are not infectious) c. Are unwell or showing symptoms – and in particular:
i. i. Have flu or cold like symptoms including a fever, sore throat, dry cough, or
ii. ii. are fatigued or having difficulty breathing/experiencing shortness of breath,
or iii. iii. have lost their sense of smell or taste.
d. Have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 (until they have been isolated for 14 days, displayed no symptoms and returned a negative test result at the end of that period)
e. Have been in close contact with a suspected case of COVID-19 (until the suspected person has tested negative)
4. All visitors, including parents and contractors (excepting regular cleaning, catering and out of hours care service providers) must report to the main reception (or property reception in the case of maintenance and similar contractors) for approval and screening purposes, before further entry and movement within School premises, on each occasion they attend the School. Regular service providers are required to undertake equivalent screening of their own workers.
5. Principal contractors are to be required to implement screening processes covering their staff and any sub-contractors consistent with the School’s Policy and related procedures.
6. Notices and signage in support of this Policy are to be placed in prominent positions outside entries and within the School grounds.
The Deputy Principal Students and Campus Life and Heads of School or their delegate is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of this Policy at CIHS.
The Director of Media and Communications is responsible for the production of Notices and Signage.
The Facilities and Maintenance Manager is responsible for the placement, erection and maintenance of Notices and other signage and the arrangements made with contractors. Records of actions taken in accordance with this Policy must be retained in accordance with the School’s records management procedures.
This Policy is to be reviewed on a regular and ongoing basis.
Approved by: Correspondent
Date Approved: 29 October 2020